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1917 es una película que trata sobre 2 soldados que tienen que cruzar territorio alemán para llegar a entregar un mensaje para evitar un ataque planeado hacía tiempo. Uno de los soldados muere por el camino y el otro consigue llegar pero tarde, aún así consigue que sus tropas se retiren y que no mueran tantos soldados. La película nos gustó bastante y encontramos que estaba muy bien hecha.



 Schindler’s List is about a man who wants to take advantage of the war (WWII) by building a fabric of things people need and hiring jews as employees, as they are cheaper at the time. As the film goes on the man starts to realize how terribly jews are treated. He makes a change of mind and starts to really help them on purpose, until he spends all the money he made in buying jews of concentration camps for them to work as employees in his fabric. We didn’t finish the movie but it was enough to understand its message. We liked it but at the beginning it was quite hard to get and that made it a little bit boring.



Aina Monerris, Jan Moreno, Judith Mena, Lara Platenkamp, Pep Luaces, Txell Ferrer, Brayan Rodríguez

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